
This website is created to spread knowledge on latest algorithms and applications. My aim is to encourage engineers and scientists to enrich their awareness of modern technologies and applications, widen their professional horizons and apply this knowledge in their projects.

If you have any queries or suggestions regarding the published material, please, email me to akhilims@gmail.com.

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If you want to share your technical article here, you can also send it to the email mentioned above. All the contributions will be reviewed and published under the author’s name.

About me

I have over 7-year experience in industries and education.

I assisted DRDO, NML, IMMT, NERLDC, NPL, IITs, NITs and other Indian government bodies in various applications based on Internet of Things, Forecasting, Data Analysis, App Designing, Wireless Sensor Deployment, Hardware Interfacing, Computer Vision models, Deep Learning, Wireless Communications, Mathematical Computations, Image Processing, Embedded Code Generation, Physical Modeling, Model-based Design, Big Data Analysis etc.

I am an expert in MATALB, Simulink, Signal Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Code Generation, Hardware Interfacing, Model-Based Design, Data Analysis and Data Analytics, Python and LabView.